How Do You Fix Mom Burnout As A Stay At Home Mom (Complete Guide)
Discover How to Recover from Mom Burnout As A Stay At Home Mom!
If your a stay at home mom chances are you have experienced mom burnout!
Let's face it being the full time caregiver is exhausting and with little time to ourselves it can be very easy to find ourselves experiencing "mom burnout."
Especially in these times, when we can find ourselves isolated from the world and stuck in a routine that resembles all too clearly the plot from the movie "Groundhog Day."
It is true when your a stay at home mom your days often seem to be on repeat and this is enough to drive anyone crazy!
Pair it with no adult contact, lack of "me time", waking through the night, and the constant demanding needs of littles...well you see where I'm going...straight to "Mom Burnout."
Here Are The Symptoms of Burnout for Stay at Home Moms
Burnout can look different for everyone, but there are some common symptoms moms can experience when they are faced with burnout.
Fatigue to the point you dread getting out of bed.
Tired of being around your kids.
Completely unmotivated to pursue your goals.
Finding yourself yelling more often.
Resentful of others.
Feeling trapped.
Experiencing brain fog.
Completely touched out.
Experiencing decision fatigue.
Feeling like you want to run away.
Again feeling symptoms of mom burnout is no fun for anyone and it is not your fault that you have these feelings nor should you feel guilty.
All stay at home moms can feel a combination of these feelings from time to time and it is completely normal to have these episodes of mom burnout because being a stay at home mom is truly exhausting mentally and physically.
But...what if we can reduce the occurrences?
What if we can live in such a way where we fill ourselves and give ourselves the self care we deserve so we don't get to the breaking point which is mom burnout?
How To Prevent Mom Burnout?
In order to prevent mom burnout it is important to identify your triggers and to pinpoint some simple self care routines that will recharge you each day.
Let's begin with the triggers.
Are you taking on too much?
Are you putting too much pressure on yourself to meet unrealistic expectations just because you think you should be doing so?
Are you drowning from the societal pressures of the world?
It is true as moms and as women we can tend to try to take on the world which only leaves us irritable, resentful, and well...burnout!
Discover The Benefits of Simple Self Care For Coping With Mom Burnout
What if I told you the answer to healing your burnout and reducing the occurrences is by being proactive with simple self care routines?
It is true that the way to combat burnout is to do less of your "have to" and more of your "want to."
Through simple self care routines you can create a daily routine that includes time for "You."
These simple habits are perfect for allowing time for yourself in the midst of taking care of everyone else.
With simple self care habits you can allow yourself the time to recharge throughout the day making it easier to feel fulfilled and happy in your role as a stay at home mom.
If Your Experiencing Mom Burnout Do These 3 Things to Fix It Right Now
#1 You Need To Rest
If your experiencing mom burnout the first thing you need to do is rest.
It's is easy to feel the pressure to do more and to succumb to the guilt of not being productive, but the funny thing is this period of rest will allow you to make a great comeback once you have recharged.
So go ahead order take out or pop in a frozen meal, binge watch your favorite shows, and allow the daily chores to fall to the side.
Embrace the mess and enjoy yourself for a change.
Maybe that is reading a book and catching some rays while the kids play outside or going for a walk instead of tending to the dishes.
Allow yourself the time to rest and recharge.
The chores can wait!
#2 Reset Your Routine
Mom burnout can often come as a result of living a monotonous lifestyle.
Is every day feeling the same?
Same routine.
Same chores.
Same demands day after day.
Yes that is enough to create burnout in anyone!
If you are experiencing burnout your need to reset your routine.
Change up your daily schedule and add some new fresh activities and hobbies to keep you looking forward to something.
Maybe you can incorporated a new workout routine, create a self care night for pampering, have days designated to getting out of the house, or allow yourself the freedom to completely give up your routine altogether when you are on the brink of mom burnout.
#3 Embrace Your Rebound
Once you have rested and shaken up your routine you are on route to experiencing a great rebound.
Often just doing those two simple things is enough to find yourself back to being motivated and ready to conquer the demands of mom life.
Embrace this time and notice what simple changes made the greatest impact on your mood?
Was it carving out time throughout the day?
Was it embracing the ability to completely drop your routine and trying something new?
Was it releasing the pressure you were putting on yourself?
Take all these little actions into account and begin implementing them on a regular basis to be proactive in combating the exhaustion before it gets to the point of mom burnout.
Here Are 11 Simple Ways to Prevent Mom Burnout
Practice daily gratitude.
Make a nourishing meal for Yourself.
Go out alone for some "me time."
Meditate daily.
Spoil Yourself with simple pleasures.
Let go of mom guilt.
Take a break from social media.
Only clean for a designated amount of time.
Make your life easier with batch cooking.
Get dressed each day.
Recite positive affirmations.
Mom burnout is real!
It is something that many stay at home moms struggle with and it can become a vicious cycle of stress, burnout, guilt, repeat...
Nobody enjoys feeling exhausted to the point where they are burnt out and especially having to mother from this headspace can be traumatic.
It is easy to feel trapped like their is no light at the end of the tunnel and you are drowning in the demands of motherhood.
I can't save you.
But you can!
Start with rest then recharge so you can make a great rebound that leaves you feeling replenished and ready to take on motherhood with a healthy state of mind.
Learn simple self care routines to keep you feeling fulfilled and with purpose to keep burnout at bay as you navigate the waters of motherhood and tackle mom life one day simply at a time.
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